Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Random thoughts of actness

Bella's favorite place to sleep

What is this?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Baby is 16 today

My sweet girl. Today you are 16. Hard to believe when I can still see you in your Cindy Loo Hoo pig tails and your chubby cheeks. You were the best toddler ever. You never got mad, you hugged everything and had the patience of a saint. You smiled at everyone. Your eyes were full of life from the minute you woke up until you went to bed. You wouldn't sleep all night but were still so very happy the next day, unlike your mother. You have always wanted to hang with the boys more than the girls. Your brother has been your hero whether you want to admit to that or not. You may have fought, you even started a few, but you were always happiest just being around him. You loved your dad, even at his worst. You were the one that always had a hug for him and a smile. And you were the one who remained strong in her convictions of not talking to him while he was using. You were strong, I admire you for that and you should never blame yourself for the outcome of that situation. Just know that he is looking down on your right now with more love than you can imagine.

The past years have been a blessing to me. You are a light in my life that I thank God for you daily. You make me laugh, you piss me off, but I appreciate the relationship that we have. I'm grateful for the fact that you talk to me, you're honest (for the most part) with me and I hope it can stay that way. I pray that the years ahead of us will bring us closer together and our relationship stronger.

Enjoy your day Baby Girl. You are beautiful, both inside and out. You are loved and you are wonderful.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Four Legged Update

Miss Lucy joined mommy in the Happy Hallow Club on Friday. She spent the night at the vet and came home on Saturday. She is still pretty quiet and looks at me like I'm the bitch who broke her spirit. It breaks my heart to look at her little face so sad.
Chops, the dog that I didn't think I could possible bond with, has become my favorite to come home to. That little butt of his wiggles so fast he nearly knocks himself over. He appears to be smart, he catches on to everything BUT potty outside.

Now we have a new family member, Bella. A friend of lil Al's had a litter and when I saw her, I just couldn't help myself. She is just gorgeous and has been a wonderful addition to our family.

Everything else is going good. I talked to my doc last week about how I've been feeling lately and we have decided to go another route. I spoke to a woman today that treats people with natural products. Through our conversation, we think we figured out what's going on with my body. I'm so excited to get on the supplements and diet program to get my body back to where it needs to be. The really cool part is that I won't need to be on these things forever. We get my body back in whack and get to feeling "normal" again. It will take some getting use to but I know it's going to make a world of difference. Wish me luck!

Have a wonderful rest of the week.